Woman's Covid-19 battle changes vaccine stance
GARDEN CITY, Kan. (KWCH) - A 48-year-old Garden City pistillate is connected a ventilator battling for her life. Nikki Chacon has been connected a ventilator since Tuesday morning. She is unvaccinated and presently sedated, but her existent conflict with COVID has changed her sentiment connected the vaccine.
“I’ve asked her repeatedly, she did not judge successful (the vaccine),” Chacon’s boyfriend, Ray Gonzalez said. “When she started getting sick, she did archer me, ‘I regret I didn’t get mine,’ and I told her, ‘Well, erstwhile you get to feeling better, each of america volition spell unneurotic and you volition get the shot.’”
Gonzalez calls the infirmary doubly per day, hoping for bully news.
“It’s been truly stressful for each family, including hers, excavation and our son,” Gonzalez said.
He said of interaction of the microorganism connected his household is hard and doesn’t privation the aforesaid concern to hap to others.
“Guys, don’t instrumentality this microorganism gently, it’s not a joke,” Gonzalez said.
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