WebMD Ranks ‘Best in Class’ Health Systems Across the Country
Patient Choice and Physician Choice awards rank health systems in 26 geographic regions in six specialties.

Oct. 28, 2021 -- Consumers and doctors present person a brace of caller tools to take the champion attraction collaborators.
WebMD has announced 2 caller awards programs that fertile wellness systems successful 26 geographic areas crossed the state to code the accusation needs of consumers and wellness attraction providers.
The awards programs are segmented into 2 types: First is the WebMD Patient Choice Awards, which gives consumers entree to escaped accusation astir wellness systems and hospitals wherever they tin take to person care. Second is the Medscape Physician Choice Awards, which wellness attraction professionals tin usage to counsel referrals to hospitals. Oncology, cardiology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, neurology, and bariatrics are the specialties covered by the awards programs, which WebMD describes arsenic “the archetypal of their benignant rankings.”
John Whyte, MD, MPH, main aesculapian serviceman astatine WebMD, says that what differentiates the WebMD Choice Awards from different surveys, specified arsenic CMS’ prime measures, is that they supply a “ranking of wellness attraction systems based connected the preferences of consumers and wellness attraction providers.”
“This is particularly important during a clip of unprecedented acceleration successful wellness attraction consumerism, erstwhile online accusation is utilized to pass among life’s astir impactful and important decisions,” said Whyte successful an announcement.
WebMD Patient Choice Awards
Whyte hopes that consumers trust connected the WebMD Patient Choice Awards successful the aforesaid mode they trust connected friends and household members for suggestions connected restaurants and hairsbreadth dressers, for example.
“We asked radical astir wherever they would spell for definite wellness conditions….While it’s not the lone measure, it’s an important measurement erstwhile it comes to wellness care,” helium says.
For example, a diligent tin consult the WebMD Patient Choice Awards erstwhile they’re looking for a infirmary to dainty their persistent back pain oregon find the champion wellness strategy for cancer treatment successful their area, Whyte says.
“Some [providers] present a coagulated diligent experience, immoderate don’t,” helium says. “[These awards are] each astir the section assemblage and what’s happening successful your surroundings.”
A survey by Software Advice, which is portion of probe and advisory steadfast Gartner, revealed that there’s an lack of reliable rankings that bespeak perceptions and preferences astatine the assemblage level. Still, patients privation to cognize astir different patients’ experiences and ratings, successful summation to learning astir the prime of attraction they received, the survey found.
Redefining Preferences and Perceptions
Doctors accessing the Medscape Physician Choice Awards tin pat the position of their peers arsenic they determine connected referrals for their patients. Doctors often mightiness not beryllium alert of antithetic hospitals that are disposable to dainty their patients. The Physician Choice Awards springiness them amended penetration into however their peers comprehend a infirmary oregon wellness strategy for treating circumstantial conditions locally. They tin besides beryllium a adjuvant notation for wellness attraction providers who whitethorn notation idiosyncratic beyond their metropolis oregon extracurricular of their authorities depending connected the circumstantial circumstances of their patient.
Research indicates that patient acquisition is simply a superior operator of diligent loyalty and wellness attraction systems are recognizing this value.
“We cognize that wellness systems are prioritizing diligent acquisition and engagement, and that’s a affirmative and important trend,” Ann Bilyew, elder vice president of wellness and radical wide manager for WebMD Provider Services, said successful an announcement. “But until now, astir wellness systems had nary reliable measurement of the preferences and perceptions of the patients and physicians successful their communities.”
She added that the awards programs springiness wellness attraction systems insights “which tin assistance them thrive and vie successful a consumer-driven wellness attraction environment.”
Patient acquisition besides impacts a wellness system’s fiscal well-being. Deloitte recovered that hospitals with precocious patient-reported acquisition scores are much profitable. Specifically, a study by the consulting steadfast revealed that hospitals with “excellent” HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) ratings from patients betwixt 2008 and 2014 had a nett borderline of 4.7%, connected average; successful comparison, hospitals that reported “low” ratings had a nett borderline of 1.8%.
Thousands of Respondents Across 26 Geographic Areas
Health systems with much than 500 beds oregon those that were ranked successful the apical 10 successful gross oregon discharge measurement successful a circumstantial marketplace were included successful the survey. Health systems ranked successful the apical 25% received Platinum Awards, portion Gold Awards went to supplier organizations successful the apical 26% to 50%. Leading Awards were fixed to supplier organizations that ranked successful the apical 49% to 25%.
The WebMD Patient Choice Awards relied connected a unrecorded canvass that was randomly targeted to applicable information areas and audiences connected WebMD. Each specialty included responses from betwixt 1,000 and 1,500 consumers successful each market. The Medscape Physician Choice Awards included responses from doctors, doc assistants, and caregiver practitioners who were invited to enactment by email. Between 250 and 500 respondents were included for the wellness strategy work enactment successful each market.
Survey data was collected anonymously, and respondents were asked a bid of follow-up questions to measure the availability of amended options some wrong and extracurricular their section area.
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