Veteran laid to rest 100 years after his death

PLATTSMOUTH, Neb. (KMTV) — Born successful Ohio, Benton C. Kinkead fought successful the Union Army during the Civil War, participating successful iconic events similar the Battle of Shiloh. During the War, helium got shot, injured and captured.
"He returned to Marietta, Ohio," American Legion Post 56 subordinate Michael Pauly said. "And successful 1864, and by 1871, had met and joined his wife, Cynthia. Cynthia Vest."
Kinkead and his woman had 2 daughters and moved to Plattsmouth.
"He had a vocation successful location painting, his woman died and suddenly, successful 1910, helium immigrated to Seattle to unrecorded with his grown children and by 1916 had succumbed to low-bar pneumonia," Pauly said.
For reasons chartless to anyone his cremated remains stayed successful Washington astatine a ceremonial home. They were ne'er collected oregon sent backmost to Plattsmouth for burial since his woman was laid to remainder astatine Oak Hill Cemetery.
"It wasn't until the Missing successful America radical recovered his ashes, recovered retired the resting spot for his wife, and they returned the ashes present to Plattsmouth," Pauly said.
American Legion members similar Pauly and Kermit Reisdorph felt compelled to grant a leader who was dedicated to keeping this federation together.
"When his remains showed up present aft 105 years of sitting connected a shelf, arsenic veterans, we felt compelled to find a last resting spot for him," Pauly said.
For Pauly this procession gives america a scope into our ain history.
"History doesn't halt oregon statesman with 1 peculiar person, it's lone a benchmark of wherever we are, and we tin look astatine these benchmarks and justice who we go based connected wherever those benchmarks are," Pauly said.
Reisdorph feels a due burial for Kinkead is the slightest a assemblage tin bash to accidental "thank you" and to yet "rest successful peace."
"Makes maine consciousness afloat gratitude that helium is buried, not lone arsenic a veteran, but he's really reunited with his woman aft 111 years," Reisdorph said.
Here is simply a link to the Missing successful America project.
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