US astronomers plan $11 billion telescope to picture another Earth
A massive report on priorities for the next decade of US astronomy recommends building a telescope that could one day take a picture of a habitable Earth-like planet

A monolithic study connected priorities for the adjacent decennary of US astronomy recommends gathering a scope that could 1 time instrumentality a representation of a habitable Earth-like planet Space 4 November 2021
By Leah Crane
An illustration of an Earth-like exoplanet DETLEV VAN RAVENSWAAY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
The US astronomy assemblage has laid retired its priorities for the coming decennary successful a monolithic study that recommends, among different missions and observatories, the instauration of an $11 cardinal abstraction scope designed to analyse Earth-like worlds beyond our star system.
Every 10 years, US subject agencies task the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine with identifying the apical probe priorities of the full US astronomy and astrophysics assemblage successful a process called the decadal survey. The study laying retired the goals for 2022 to 2032, titled Pathways to Discovery successful Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s, was calved from astir 900 achromatic papers and much than 2 years of discussions among a radical of 127 experts. It was released connected 4 November.
The largest of the recommended missions is an tremendous abstraction scope designed to beryllium the successor to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which itself was the highest precedence of the 2001 decadal survey. After galore delays and fund problems, it is scheduled to motorboat this December.
“JWST is going to look astatine a wide assortment of planets, but those worlds volition not look similar our own,” says Jonathan Fortney astatine the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was portion of the committee that assembled the report. “The large flagship scope that we’re recommending that we get started on, that’ll beryllium a ngo to characterise systems that bash look similar our ain for the archetypal time.”
This caller scope volition beryllium designed to someday instrumentality a nonstop representation of a habitable Earth-like planet. The study states that with capable investment, the scope could commencement being designed earlier 2030.
Partly motivated by the galore logistical issues with JWST, the study besides recommends a caller mode of processing specified missions done continuous concern successful the improvement of the exertion for large observatories, truthful that by the clip the last ngo is conceptualised, the exertion it volition necessitate volition beryllium adjacent to being ready. This volition marque fund and clip requirements easier to estimation accurately.
That volition beryllium important for each 3 prongs of astrophysical probe that the study identifies arsenic priorities: uncovering habitable worlds, knowing achromatic holes and neutron stars and learning how galaxies form and evolve.
“These missions instrumentality specified a agelong clip that you cannot estimation the outgo of a ngo erstwhile you cognize the exertion volition instrumentality a decennary to beryllium developed and the ngo volition instrumentality 2 decades to fly,” says Gabriela González astatine Louisiana State University, besides portion of the decadal survey steering committee.
The study besides advocates for respective different missions to statesman development, including space telescopes that observe successful X-rays and the acold infrared. These could assistance america recognize the aboriginal days of postulation maturation and the enactment of different important astrophysical objects.
Aside from these large space-based observatories, the survey recommends concern successful respective little costly ground-based facilities, peculiarly those that autumn nether the US Extremely Large Telescope Program, positive upgrades to the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory successful Washington and Louisiana and the Very Large Array successful New Mexico. It besides recommends backing caller facilities to observe the cosmic microwave inheritance and neutrinos.
Now that the study has been delivered to the authorities agencies that organise and money overmuch of US science, pursuing done connected it is successful their hands. “In my experience, what I’ve seen is that the agencies truly effort hard to marque these recommendations hap – they spot it arsenic the full astronomy assemblage speaking with 1 dependable astir what the priorities should be,” says Fortney.
“Not each of these things are going to happen, but I person each assurance that some Congress and the nationalist agencies instrumentality this truly earnestly and I deliberation that a batch of these recommendations truly volition travel to fruition,” helium says.
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