UK university climate targets strongly criticised for lack of ambition
A group of 140 UK universities says it will cut its carbon emissions by 78 per cent by 2035 and hit net zero by 2050, but critics say these targets don't go far enough, particularly on international travel

By Adam Vaughan
View implicit Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College, Oxford robertharding / Alamy
One 100 and forty UK universities person agreed their archetypal sector-wide clime alteration targets, but the goals person been condemned arsenic inadequate, unambitious and omitting cardinal issues.
Universities UK, which represents the institutions, says its members volition chopped their emissions by astatine slightest 78 per cent by 2035 connected 1990 levels. They person committed to nett zero by 2050. Both targets are identical to those acceptable by the UK authorities for the system arsenic a whole.
“It is rubbish,” says Will Richardson astatine consultancy steadfast Green Element, who has audited the emissions of universities for decades. “My wide sentiment of this is that it is headdress successful manus asking for wealth whilst not really looking astatine what alteration has happened successful their sector.”
A Universities UK study owed retired tomorrow, Confronting the Climate Emergency, includes examples of universities that person committed to stronger action, specified arsenic the University of Glasgow’s and Keele University’s plans to beryllium nett zero by 2030. “Why not observe them and bring the assemblage up to their modular and not to the lowest?” says Richardson.
The sector-wide targets lone screen the nonstop and indirect emissions generated by the universities, known arsenic “scope 1” and “scope 2” successful the parlance of emissions accounting. However, the committedness doesn’t screen “scope 3” emissions, which for universities are mostly astir travel, peculiarly planetary flights by unit and students. Scope 3 targets volition alternatively beryllium acceptable “as soon arsenic possible”, says Universities UK.
Kevin Anderson, an vigor and clime alteration researcher astatine the University of Manchester, UK, says: “[The plan] offers small much than a rhetorical ngo statement, much emblematic of a ample lipid institution than the precise institutions wherever cutting-edge clime probe is undertaken.” On scope 3 emissions, helium adds: “Where is the strategy of virtual teaching of overseas students to trim planetary travel? Where is the argumentation to facilitate longer but less fieldwork trips?”
Judith Petts, vice chancellor astatine the University of Plymouth successful the UK and an biology hazard absorption researcher, speaking connected behalf of Universities UK, defends the caller targets. “The assemblage understands the value of this [issue] to our students, to our communities and the businesses we collaborate with,” she says. “It’s implicit commitment, it’s not conscionable astir eco-credentials up of [the UN’s] COP26 [climate summit]. This is truly a connection of intent.”
Asked wherefore the 2050 net-zero people was efficaciously universities agreeing to abide by the law, Petts says that the quality of institutions to trim their emissions varies wide crossed the sector. “They’ve got to get astatine thing meaningful for their context,” she says. She besides says immoderate universities don’t adjacent person emissions information backmost to the baseline of 1990.
Petts says 1 of the biggest challenges universities look is connected the scope 3 emissions from aerial travel, from planetary students coming to the UK and academics travelling to conferences, probe and more. “Unless we stopped flying astir the world, due to the fact that the hose manufacture cannot trim its emissions rapidly – the exertion does not beryllium – we person to find different ways of offsetting our scope 3 emissions arsenic acold arsenic we can,” she says.
The clime targets whitethorn besides bespeak the heavy constrained finances of astir universities. The Universities UK study says the UK authorities “must recognise the request for concern successful infrastructure” for institutions to chopped emissions, and notes that higher acquisition has received nary nonstop concern for decarbonisation.
Thomas Hale, a nationalist argumentation researcher astatine the University of Oxford, says that portion the caller targets people a “minimum floor”, helium is much encouraged by the pledges idiosyncratic institutions person made to scope nett zero faster than the state arsenic a whole.
The committedness by Universities UK dodges the contented of divesting university’s endowments from fossil substance companies, which has been a cardinal request of students connected galore campuses for the past decade. Those endowments are usually worthy hundreds of millions of pounds, and a billion-plus successful the lawsuit of the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford.
Petts says the question of divestment is 1 for idiosyncratic universities to consider, and argues that capitalist engagement with fossil substance companies whitethorn beryllium much productive than divestment. “We besides person to look astatine however we enactment with investments and companies to make and alteration caller technologies, moving with the accepted fossil substance companies who person mostly moved into renewable vigor now,” she says.
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