Traffic study supports claim of dicey intersection
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - An Omaha woman’s assertion of a perchance unsafe intersection has been backed up by a caller survey done by metropolis postulation engineers.
Annette Bland has lived connected the country of 20th and Grace streets for 2 decades.
Tuesday morning, an mishap successful the intersection, wherever a car failed to halt astatine the halt motion according to Omaha police, led to some cars crashing into her home.
This is thing caller to her, either.
“There is an mishap connected this country astatine slightest erstwhile each 3 months. At least,” says Bland.
An mishap this greeting adjacent downtown Omaha ended successful BOTH cars hitting this home😱
The homeowner says determination are perpetually crashes & speeding astatine that corner. After digging, it turns retired that information from Omaha’s postulation engineering bureau backs up her claim! @WOWT6News @ 6:30!
Burnice Conway, Bland’s neighbor, says seeing the clang erstwhile she woke up was thing shocking.
“No, I wasn’t surprised, I wasn’t amazed astatine all,” says Conway.
Bland says her location has been deed by cars earlier this, too. She says it’s been astir a twelvemonth since it past happened.
But arsenic precocious arsenic this summer, some women accidental they’ve had cars extremity up successful their beforehand yards.
“I mean it makes you consciousness similar you privation to move.,” Conway says. “You privation to enactment and person idiosyncratic enactment successful immoderate speedbumps and little the velocity limit.”
Conway and Bland accidental betwixt radical moving the halt signs, unsighted spots, and the changeless speeding, thing needs to change.
A survey done by Omaha’s postulation engineering bureau shows tin assistance that, according to Jeff Riesselman, the postulation technologist for the city.
Riesselman says the fig of cars speeding done the intersection is higher than normal. Because of that, the intersection does suffice for information of a velocity accommodation of immoderate sort, but does not suffice for postulation lights and does not spot capable postulation for all-way halt signs.
“We request speedbumps, the thoroughfare over, to the eastbound of us, they person speedbumps, wherefore can’t we person speedbumps? It’s desperately needed, we arsenic residents merit it due to the fact that we privation our children to beryllium safe,” Bland says.
Information from Riesselman shows that connected average, 20th thoroughfare has 2,250 cars per day, and Grace thoroughfare has little than 600. For these numbers, Riesselman says the clang complaint is higher than different akin intersections wherever a large roadworthy connects with a section one.
Numbers amusement that determination were spikes successful crashes successful some 2018 and 2020. So acold successful 2021, the lone reported clang truthful acold was Tuesday morning’s.
“If we dilatory the postulation down connected 20th street, that volition assistance eliminate, it mightiness not destruct each the accidents, but it volition assistance destruct immoderate of the problems,” Bland says.
Riesselman says there’s nary progressive petition successful the country to statesman the process of a imaginable velocity accommodation successful that area, but says that residents who are funny should interaction the Public works bureau to get started.
More accusation connected postulation and velocity adjustments done the postulation engineering’s bureau tin beryllium recovered on their website.
View Omaha’s Traffic engineering survey below.
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