Toxic oak moth threatens UK trees after failure to control its spread
The oak processionary moth, a native of southern Europe that damages oak trees, is invasive in the UK and is now spreading more rapidly there – despite efforts to control it

By Gary Hartley
The Oak Processionary (Thaumetopoea processionea) caterpillars connected the determination connected a histrion successful outpouring successful the Netherlands dennisvdw/Getty Images
The oak processionary moth (OPM), an invasive taxon successful bluish Europe with caterpillars that are toxic to humans and different animals, expanded its scope astatine an accrued velocity successful the years pursuing its accomplishment successful the UK, contempt authorities efforts to incorporate it.
Yevhen Suprunenko astatine the University of Cambridge and his colleagues looked astatine information connected larval nests of the OPM (Thaumetopoea processionea) crossed south-east England to exemplary a 13-year displacement successful …
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