This Is What Republicans Are Scared Of: Biden Perfectly Explains Build Back Better In 2 Sentences

During a statement on the new jobs numbers, President Biden did what Republicans fear most. He explained Build Back Better in two easy sentences.

This Is What Republicans Are Scared Of: Biden Perfectly Explains Build Back Better In 2 Sentences

During a connection connected the caller jobs numbers, President Biden did what Republicans fearfulness most. He explained Build Back Better successful 2 casual sentences.


Biden explains Build Back Better successful 2 sentences, "The physique backmost amended model lowers your bills for wellness care, kid care, medicine drugs, and preschool. And families get a taxation cut."

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) November 5, 2021

President Biden said, “That’s due to the fact that the Build Back Better model lowers your bills for wellness care, child care, medicine drugs, and preschool. And families get a taxation cut.”

That small wide connection is what scares Republicans due to the fact that BBB is casual to understand. It is simply a measure for families, moving people, kids, and our elders.  It volition prevention you wealth and, for galore Americans, chopped their taxes. It creates millions of jobs, fights clime change, and lowers the deficit.

Once this measure is passed and signed into law, Democrats tin tally connected Republicans wanting to instrumentality distant their childcare, healthcare, and taxation cuts.

Republicans had it casual erstwhile Democrats were warring among themselves, but each that is astir to change, and it starts with the House votes connected Friday.

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