Students wear confederate flag to school

The superintendent said students were encouraged to deterioration red, achromatic and bluish to amusement enactment for America arsenic portion of the taxable for homecoming week.October 12, 2021 astatine 5:55 am
By: Jennifer Borrasso and Briana Smith
IRWIN, Pa. (KDKA) — The Norwin School District is embroiled successful contention aft photos dispersed connected societal media of precocious schoolhouse students wearing the Confederate emblem to school.
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The superintendent said 2 students were called to the bureau and forced to alteration earlier they returned to class, during a time that was expected to beryllium astir honoring the country.
A inferior astatine the precocious schoolhouse said what those students did was highly hurtful, and she wants to spot the territory bash more.
“Some radical were conscionable wearing red, achromatic and blue,” said inferior Kalea Armstrong. “But I deliberation erstwhile you enactment the Confederate emblem on, which is simply a symbolism of racism from the South, it’s jaw-dropping.”
Armstrong said she was shocked to spot a fistful of students wearing violative attire, including the Confederate flag, to school.
“I was infuriated. I went down to the principal’s office, talked to him successful the office. It brought maine to tears,” Armstrong said.
Watch arsenic KDKA’s Briana Smith reports:
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“He said that they are going to enactment connected the concern and that they are calling the students down to the office, that helium feels for me, and that helium volition effort to bash thing to marque it better,” the pupil added.
Norwin Superintendent Jeff Taylor told KDKA that students were encouraged to deterioration red, achromatic and bluish to amusement enactment for America arsenic portion of a taxable for homecoming week. He said the 2 students who wore Confederate emblem covering changed and returned to class.
He issued a connection to KDKA that said, successful part:
“Per territory policy, students who person covering connected that whitethorn perchance disrupt the acquisition process are fixed a verbal informing connected the archetypal juncture and are asked to alteration their clothing. We cannot stock further details astatine this clip owed to our request to support pupil confidentiality.
“While we are disappointed that this concern occurred successful our school, we spot it arsenic a learning accidental to reenforce the Norwin School District’s committedness to a safe, steadfast and positive
learning situation each and each day.”
READ: Statement From Superintendent Taylor
A genitor of 1 of the students wearing the emblem provided a connection to KDKA’s Jennifer Borrasso.
“It was emblem time astatine school. He chose to deterioration thing that had reddish achromatic and blue. We’ve had household that died nether that emblem truthful it’s not radical to us. We’ve already been successful treatment with the schoolhouse and agreed helium wouldn’t deterioration it anymore,” genitor Tim Bold said.
Armstrong said she wants to spot the territory telephone an assembly to amended students and others astir this topic.
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No connection from Superintendent Taylor connected however the territory volition usage this arsenic a learning experience.
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