Red feathers determine which common waxbill is the boss
For a songbird called the common waxbill, dominance isn't governed by body size, intelligence, or even temperament, but by the intensity of the colours in their chest feathers

For a songbird called the communal waxbill, dominance isn't governed by assemblage size, intelligence, oregon adjacent temperament, but by the strength of the colours successful their thorax feathers Life 3 November 2021
Common waxbills (Estrilda astrild) Credit: blickwinkel/M. Woike/Alamy
Common waxbills with the highest societal ranks aren’t needfully larger oregon much intelligent than their peers – but they bash person thorax feathers that are a richer shadiness of red. This whitethorn beryllium due to the fact that individuals are truthful steadfast that they tin spare resources connected accentuating their colours.
Patrícia Beltrão astatine the University of Porto successful Portugal and her colleagues discovered this by evaluating dozens of communal waxbills (Estrilda astrild) that were captured arsenic adults successful a large outdoor netted area.
The researchers measured the birds’ …
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