Pokémon Go Will Celebrate Diamond And Pearl Remakes With Special Events
Niantic is rolling out a series of special events in Pokémon Go to celebrate the releases of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The events detailed on the Pokémon Go website begin next week and feature catchable Sinnoh starters with new hats,...

Niantic is rolling retired a bid of peculiar events in Pokémon Go to observe the releases of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The events elaborate connected the Pokémon Go website begin adjacent week and diagnostic catchable Sinnoh starters with caller hats, collectible Trainer costumes, and more!
Starting connected November 16, Trainers tin find the Sinnoh starters Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup retired successful the chaotic wearing either a Lucas chapeau oregon a Dawn chapeau (both sets pictured above). Any of these Pokémon tin beryllium recovered successful their shiny variants arsenic well! The lawsuit volition besides halve the fig of steps needed to hatch Pokémon eggs successful incubators and little the Super Incubator steps to one-third of the accustomed measurement number required.
Speaking of the Sinnoh starters, you tin platform retired your Trainer Avatar successful adorable costumes based connected the trio (pictured above) starting connected November 15. These onesies tin beryllium purchased from the in-game store and volition proceed to beryllium disposable aft the event, though nary terms was fixed successful Niantic's post. Similarly, caller items based connected the default Diamond and Pearl trainers styles volition besides beryllium disposable starting connected November 15, but these volition beryllium astatine nary outgo to the player. You tin cheque retired what those look similar below.
Stickers volition besides beryllium distributed done Pokestop spins, opening Gifts, and buying items successful the shop. The store volition person 2 bundles available, bash drawback these items astatine a discounted price:
- Event Box (one-time exchange): 20 Poké Balls, 1 Sinnoh Stone
- Great Box (300 PokéCoins): 3 Super Incubators, 2 Incubators, 1 Lure Module
Niantic has besides confirmed a clump of Diamond and Pearl Pokémon different than the starters will beryllium disposable successful the wild, hatched from eggs, and recovered successful raids implicit the people of 2 mini-events. Here's which Pokémon, wherever you tin find them, and when:
November 16 through November 18: Part 1 – Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Event
Wild Pokémon
- Seel
- Murkrow
- Poochyena
- Aron
- Turtwig (Lucas's hat)
- Chimchar (Lucas's hat)
- Piplup (Lucas's hat)
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Buneary
- Stunky
- Scyther
- Larvitar
- Burmy (Plant Cloak)
- Buizel
Raid Pokémon
- Cranidos
- Driftloon
- Bronzor
- Gible
- Tyranitar
- Lopunny
- Drapion
- Toxicroak
- Gallade
- Cresselia (knows Grass Knot)
- Mega Lopunny
7km Egg Pokémon
- Budew
- Bonsly
- Happiny
- Mime Jr.
- Riolu
Field Research Task Encounters
- Bagon
- Turtwig (Dawn's Hat)
- Chimchar (Dawn's Hat)
- Piplup (Dawn's Hat)
- Burmy (Sandy Cloak)
- Burmy (Trash Cloak)
- Shieldon
November 18 through November 21: Part 2 – Pokémon Shining Pearl Event
Wild Pokémon
- Pinsir
- Misdreavus
- Houndour
- Spheal
- Turtwig (Dawn's hat)
- Chimchar (Dawn's hat)
- Piplup (Dawn's hat)
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Buneary
- Glameow
- Slowpoke
- Bagon
- Burmy (Sandy Cloak)
- Buizel
Raid Pokémon
- Shieldon
- Driftloon
- Bronzor
- Salamence
- Lopunny
- Drapion
- Toxicroak
- Gallade
- Cresselia (knows Grass Knot)
- Mega Lopunny
7km Egg Pokémon
- Budew
- Bonsly
- Happiny
- Mime Jr.
- Riolu
Field Research Task Encounters
- Bagon
- Turtwig (Lucas's Hat)
- Chimchar (Lucas's Hat)
- Piplup (Lucas's Hat)
- Burmy (Plant Cloak)
- Burmy (Trash Cloak)
- Shieldon
- Cranidos
For much connected Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, cheque retired our caller preview of the upcoming remakes right here. They'll beryllium released connected Nintendo Switch connected November 19.
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