Mother, son arrested following drug bust

Mother, son arrested following drug bust

RACINE — Racine County authorities arrested a parent and lad aft a constabulary raid led to the seizure of drugs, a gun, currency and different cause paraphernalia connected Thursday.

The Racine County Sheriff's Office said successful a connection that their cause portion served a hunt warrant astatine a location conscionable earlier 9 a.m. successful the 1600 artifact of Roosevelt Avenue successful the City of Racine.

Deputies determination arrested a parent and son. They besides recovered a kid astatine the home, astir 2 years old, the bureau said.

Authorities accidental they confiscated: "6 pounds of Marijuana, 2.8 grams of psilocybin, a FN 9mm handgun with 3 loaded magazines, $25,981.00 successful US currency integer scales, packaging materials, a quest card, and cause paraphernalia."

The sheriff's bureau said the warrant was obtained aft drugs were purchased from 1 of the radical successful the home.

The Racine County Human Services Department besides responded regarding the kid astatine the home.

The pursuing charges are being recommended for Jaiden Kruger:

  • Possession of T.H.C. with intent to deliver
  • Three counts present T.H.C
  • Keeper of a cause location for sales/manufacture
  • Possession of cause paraphernalia
  • Within 1000 ft of a school

The pursuing charges are being recommended for Danielle Kruger:

  • Possession of T.H.C. with intent to present portion armed
  • Keeper of a cause location for sales/manufacture
  • Possession of cause paraphernalia
  • Repeat cause offender
  • 2nd grade reckless endangering safety
  • Within 1000 ft of a school

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