Liar, Liar: Chronic Fibbers Are Rare, Study Reveals
Amid the flurry of "fake news" and misinformation, it turns out there are very few chronic liars. See more from a new study.

HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Nov. 1, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Very fewer radical are chronic liars, according to a survey that whitethorn gully eyerolls from Americans swamped by "fake news" and misinformation.
Prior probe has recovered that radical archer an mean of 1 oregon 2 lies a day. But these caller findings suggest that doesn't bespeak the behaviour of astir people, and that astir fibs are told by lone a fewer prolific liars, the survey authors said.
"There are these fewer prolific liars retired there," said pb writer Timothy Levine, who studies deception and heads connection studies astatine the University of Alabama astatine Birmingham. "And I deliberation this survey showed that they are a existent thing. There is that benignant of apical 1% who are telling much than 15 lies per day, time in, time out."
Most erstwhile studies connected lying focused connected 1 constituent successful time, portion this one tracked people's lies each time implicit 3 months. The 630 participants kept regular deception journals, which yielded 116,336 lies.
Three-quarters of participants were consistently honest, telling betwixt zero and 2 lies per day, the findings showed.
But astir 6% of them averaged much than six lies a time and accounted for a ample stock of each the lies successful the study, which was precocious published online successful the diary Communication Monographs.
The findings suggest that mundane connection is astir apt safer than you whitethorn think, according to Levine.
The survey besides recovered that radical person bully and atrocious days, wherever they archer less oregon much lies than usual, and that astir radical don't prevarication unless they person a reason.
"People are mostly honest, and radical mostly judge different radical — and deception is much of a benignant of exceptional happening alternatively than a chronic worry," Levine said successful a assemblage quality release.
More information offers proposal to stop habitual lying.
SOURCE: University of Alabama astatine Birmingham, quality release, Oct. 27, 2021
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