Hundreds of ancient ceremonial sites found in southern Mexico
Researchers have uncovered 478 ceremonial sites that were probably built by the Olmec and the Maya thousands of years ago

Researchers person uncovered 478 ceremonial sites that were astir apt built by the Olmec and the Maya thousands of years ago Humans 25 October 2021
A lidar-based representation of an past ceremonial tract successful Mexico Takeshi Inomata
Hundreds of past Mesoamerican ceremonial sites built implicit a play of astir 600 years person been uncovered. This comes aft the find of the archetypal specified tract – Aguada Fénix – was announced successful 2020
Takeshi Inomata astatine the University of Arizona and his colleagues utilized a signifier of distant sensing called lidar, which uses airborne lasers to signifier a 3D representation of the aboveground of the ground. They utilized this to observe 478 sites successful an country covering 84,516 quadrate kilometres successful confederate Mexico, immoderate of which was covered by dense jungle.
The sites were made up of rectangular complexes, which the Maya and Olmec astir apt utilized for ceremonial gatherings. “People conscionable travel and go… benignant of similar a pilgrimage centre,” says Inomata.
They consisted of a cardinal unfastened plaza, wherever radical mightiness person gathered, with a bid of debased earthen mounds on the edges wherever determination mightiness person been built structures. And they were astir apt constructed betwixt 1050 and 400 BC by 2 past civilisations – the Olmec, which was the earliest known civilisation successful the region, and the Maya, which whitethorn person learned from the Olmec and whose civilization collapsed astir AD 800.
“Nobody knew astir those rectangular ceremonial sites until we recovered Aguada Fénix, truthful each these caller findings are a revelation astir this aboriginal period,” says Inomata. “That truly made america rethink astir the root of Mesoamerican civilisation. Many of those complexes were built by radical without excessively overmuch hierarchical organisation.”
The sites were each comparatively level with a fewer tiny pyramids compared with aboriginal constructions successful the portion specified arsenic Chichen-Itza that typically incorporate large pyramids.
“We don’t cognize precisely what they mightiness person looked similar successful life, but 1 could reason that they were tiny cities,” says Elizabeth Graham astatine University College London, who wasn’t progressive with the study. “When I archetypal started enactment successful the 70s it was inactive a clip wherever everyone thought cities developed successful the Classic play astir 200 AD. Now, steadily the play successful which I conjecture you could accidental urbanism developed has been pushed backmost and pushed back.”
Journal reference: Nature Human Behaviour, DOI: 10.1038/s41562-021-01218-1
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