Human Rights chief says climate action only way to ‘safeguard humanity’
Ahead of the UN Climate Conference COP26, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Thursday it was time now to act, and put “empty speeches, broken promises, and unfulfilled pledges behind us”.

“We request laws to beryllium passed, programmes to beryllium implemented and investments to beryllium swiftly and decently funded, without further delay”, Michelle Bachelet said successful a statement.
According to her, only urgent action “can mitigate oregon avert disasters that volition person immense – and successful immoderate cases lethal – impacts connected each of us, particularly our children and grandchildren.”
Ms. Bachelet said that Member States attending the meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, starting next Sunday, “need to fulfil their existing clime concern commitments, and so summation them, not disregard them for a 2nd twelvemonth successful a row.”
Only urgent #ClimateAction tin mitigate oregon avert disasters that volition person immense impacts connected each of us, particularly our children and grandchildren.
We indispensable alteration people present – it is the lone enactment if we privation to safeguard humanity.#COP26
Support to those astir affected
People astir astatine hazard from the adverse effects of clime change, including mediocre and marginalised communities, should beryllium the archetypal recipients of those resources, she added.
“And those straight affected should person a spot astatine the table. Their meaningful information is cardinal to effectual and equitable action.”
States besides request to hold to biology and societal safeguards. They should also ensure that those harmed erstwhile clime enactment is taken, under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, have entree to effectual remedies.
“This is simply a quality rights work and a substance of survival. Without a steadfast satellite to unrecorded on, determination volition beryllium nary quality rights. And if we continue on our existent path, there whitethorn beryllium nary humans”, Ms. Bachelet argued.
A caller right
The world's premier intergovernmental quality rights body, the Human Rights Council, adopted last month a landmark resolution recognising for the archetypal clip that each quality being has a close to unrecorded successful a clean, steadfast and sustainable environment.
For the High Commissioner, “this was a large measurement forward”, but those “declarations of principles person to beryllium turned into factual enactment backed by resources.”
“Let maine beryllium precise clear: the triple menace of clime change, contamination and biodiversity loss constitutes the azygous top situation to quality rights successful our era”, she argued.
According to her, governments and different authorities, businesses and individuals person a work to act, and should bash it by shifting to a sustainable, zero-carbon economy, and halt subsidizing activities proven to harm our lone home.
“We must change people now. It is the lone enactment if we privation to safeguard humanity”, she concluded.
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