How to download a Windows 10 ISO file without using the Media Creation Tool
It is possible to download a Windows 10 ISO file directly from Microsoft without using their tool first, but they don't make it easy. This how-to shows you the elaborate procedure.

It is imaginable to download a Windows 10 ISO record straight from Microsoft without utilizing their instrumentality first, but they don't marque it easy. This how-to shows you the elaborate procedure.

Image: Rawpixel/Shutterstock
Navigating to the authoritative Windows 10 download page with the intent of downloading the latest ISO record mostly requires you to download the Media Creation Tool first. This susceptible instrumentality allows you to make USB Flash drives, CD-ROMs, and DVDs containing the files indispensable to instal oregon reinstall Windows 10. There is besides an enactment to make a azygous ISO record connected your hard thrust oregon unreality retention device.
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Microsoft insists that you download the Media Creation Tool earlier downloading the ISO record erstwhile you entree the Windows 10 download webpage utilizing a PC moving the Windows OS. However, immoderate users whitethorn privation to skip a measurement and download the Windows 10 ISO record straight to their chosen instrumentality without taking the intermediary measurement involving the Media Creation Tool. There is simply a mode to bash this, but it requires a spot of trickery and deception.
This how-to tutorial shows you however to download the Windows 10 ISO record straight from Microsoft without utilizing the Media Creation Tool.
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How to download Windows ISO files without utilizing the Media Creation Tool
Obviously, the archetypal measurement successful this process is to navigate to the Microsoft Windows 10 download page. As you tin spot successful Figure A, this leafage allows you to update your installed mentation of Windows 10 oregon to download the Media Creation Tool, which volition let you to past make a Windows 10 ISO file.
Note, determination is nary enactment to simply download the Windows ISO file—the Media Creation Tool is required due to the fact that we are accessing the webpage with a PC moving Windows (Windows 11 successful this example).
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To get entree to a fastener that volition let america to download a Windows 10 ISO record directly, we indispensable deceive the webpage conscionable a little. The process is not complicated, but it is antithetic and involves respective discourse menus. In our example, we are utilizing Microsoft Edge, but the process is akin for each communal web browsers.
Right-click anyplace connected the Microsoft Windows 10 download leafage and prime Inspect from the discourse menu. This volition unfastened the Developer Tools flyout console arsenic shown successful Figure B. The surface is somewhat intimidating, but we tin disregard astir of it.
In the farthest close country of the Developer Tools paper is an ellipsis extending the paper choices. Click the ellipsis and past prime "More tools" from that discourse paper to uncover a full big of much tools, arsenic shown successful Figure C.
From that database of much tools, we privation to prime "Network conditions," which volition uncover a overmuch quieter leafage of settings, arsenic shown successful Figure D.
On this page, uncheck the Use Browser Default mounting and prime different operating strategy from the Custom dropdown menu. Chrome OS seems to enactment champion for me.
Now, refresh the webpage (F5) and determination the Developer Tool leafage disconnected to 1 side, arsenic shown successful Figure E.
As you tin see, we present person a caller dropdown paper that volition let you to download a Windows 10 ISO record directly. This caller enactment is disposable because, arsenic acold arsenic the webpage is concerned, we are accessing the tract with a PC moving Chrome OS.
Click the Exit fastener (X) connected the Developer Tools flyout leafage to instrumentality to mean web browsing.
Note, arsenic of this writing, you tin straight download the Windows 11 ISO from the Microsoft webpage without pretending to usage a antithetic OS.
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Also see
- How to usage the Windows Media Creation Tool to make a Windows 10 ISO file (TechRepublic)
- 3 elemental ways to find your Windows 10 merchandise key (TechRepublic)
- How to instal Windows 11 connected older, unsupported PCs (TechRepublic)
- Windows 11 cheat sheet: Everything you request to know (TechRepublic)
- How to instal Windows 11 from Microsoft's ISO file (TechRepublic)
- Checklist: Securing Windows 10 systems (TechRepublic Premium)
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