Football scuffle leads to season-ending ejection

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Several players were ejected from a precocious schoolhouse shot crippled Monday aft a scuffle broke retired betwixt West Boca Raton Community High School and Coral Springs High School.
"They played soiled a small bit," West Boca Raton subordinate Chris Kelly said of his opponent.
Monday's crippled betwixt the West Boca Raton Bulls and Coral Springs was chippy from the start. Kelly said that, by the 4th quarter, his squad had had enough.
"One of the kids went to spell tackle a kid astir the neck, truthful 1 of my friends, Logan, pushed the kid," helium said.
Logan was ejected from the game, but truthful was Kelly. The video shows that Kelly wasn't adjacent successful the country wherever the scuffle took place. His ejection is having a rippling effect connected his athletics. WPTV
"I'm retired the remainder of the play present and past the 2 games of the hoops season," helium said.
WPTV contacted the Florida High School Athletic Association astir the ejections but did not person a reply.
"The referees, to me, didn't grip the crippled arsenic reasonably arsenic it needed to beryllium handled," West Boca diversion manager and manager Andrae Rowe said.
He understands the ejection of 1 of his players for pushing, but the ejection of Kelly, helium said, makes nary sense.
"It's unfortunate for him, but we are going done the appeals," Rowe said. "But, usually, with the appeal, it takes truthful long." WPTV
Ted Kelly said it's not chill that his lad volition miss the homecoming crippled and miss playing time.
"You ne'er cognize erstwhile there's a scout retired there, and helium plays each presumption connected the team," helium said.
Because of his suspension, Chris Kelly tin lone bent with his teammates earlier games successful the locker room. Once they deed the field, helium has to beryllium successful the stands and watch.
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