Cheryl Burke's 'Dancing with the Stars' partner Cody Rigsby tests positive for Covid
"Dancing with the Stars" contestant Cody Rigsby has tested positive with a breakthrough case of Covid-19.

(CNN)"Dancing with the Stars" contestant Cody Rigsby has tested affirmative with a breakthrough lawsuit of Covid-19.
Rigsby's diagnosis comes days aft his spouse Cheryl Burke revealed she had tested positive and would beryllium incapable to execute unrecorded since she would beryllium successful quarantine.
Rigsby, a fashionable Peloton instructor, revealed the quality connected Instagram, writing, "I person truly mild symptoms: Congestion, a small spot of a headache, cough. But successful examination to erstwhile I had COVID earlier this year, it is nighttime and day, truthful that indispensable beryllium the vaccine and antibodies working—we're ace grateful for that."
He added that helium volition beryllium taking a interruption to rest.
"To decently remainder and retrieve arsenic good arsenic debar exposing others, I volition beryllium taking a interruption successful the coming days. I admit each your enactment and I'll beryllium backmost arsenic soon arsenic I americium ready," helium wrote.
Burke had talked astir her ain symptoms earlier successful the week, and says she excessively has a breakthrough case.
"I'm afloat vaccinated, afloat Moderna vaccinated," she said successful a video she posted to societal media. "Blood type, successful lawsuit anyone is wondering, O affirmative and I could inactive person COVID. This is crazy. OK, privation maine luck."
This past week connected "DWTS" Burke and Rigsby utilized a recorded signifier league to enactment successful the contest.
As for adjacent week, Rigsby said "As acold arsenic my destiny connected 'Dancing with the Stars,' we're inactive trying to fig that retired close now."
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