Carjacking suspects in custody after police chase

OAK LAWN, Ill. (WLS) -- Police person arrested 2 carjacking suspects who led constabulary connected a pursuit that ended successful a clang successful southbound suburban Oak Lawn.
Oak Lawn constabulary asked residents to debar the country adjacent 95th Street and Oak Park Avenue oregon structure successful spot arsenic they searched for 1 of the 2 suspects who fled connected ft aft crashing astatine the intersection.
Oak Lawn constabulary said the suspects were wanted successful transportation with a carjacking reported successful Chicago connected Sunday.
According to Oak Lawn police, a Gary constabulary officer's sheet scholar got a deed connected a stolen conveyance retired of Chicago astir 2:15 p.m. Monday. An serviceman attempted to halt the vehicle, but the operator took disconnected connected westbound I-80/94 into Illinois.
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Police pursued the conveyance until it got disconnected I-294 astatine 127th Street successful Alsip. Then, constabulary said the conveyance got backmost connected I-294 going northbound to 95th Street successful Oak Lawn. The operator past proceeded eastbound until crashing astatine 95th Street and Oak Park Avenue.
Oak Lawn constabulary said the operator of the conveyance was taken into custody astatine the scene. Police with dogs were seen searching for the 2nd suspect, a rider successful the vehicle.
Police said the 2nd fishy was taken into custody astir 5 p.m. Video from Chopper7 appears to amusement authorities apprehending the fishy successful a parking batch astatine a adjacent car dealership.
A fig of constabulary departments were involved, including constabulary from Oak Lawn and Gary, Indiana. There were nary reports of immoderate injuries.
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