Analysis: Time is Running Out to Protect Our Democracy from Republicans’ Authoritarian Power Grabs
The people enabling Trump’s lies should be called out for what they are: Traitors to democracy. Time is running out for democracy, and sadly we have only 48 senators (all Democrats) willing to take a stand for our country.

We’ve arrived astatine a tipping constituent successful our ideology for a assortment of reasons, but we are here.
After the work of the Eastman memo just respective weeks agone successful which Trump’s lawyer John Eastman drafted a six-point sedition program for Pence to follow, the pb communicative everyplace should beryllium the ongoing onslaught connected U.S. ideology and what are we doing to halt it.
It lone takes tiny numbers of radical to make tipping points successful the breakdown of a democracy, Associate Professor successful Global Politics astatine University College London and Washington Post columnist Brian Klaas warned connected Monday.
In a Twitter thread, Klaas laid retired however the emergence of authoritarianism tin hap and “with the close timing, oregon the close crook of events, ideology tin inactive dice astatine the hands of tiny groups” and wherefore it’s urgent for Democrats to walk reforms that support antiauthoritarian institutions from “the evident onslaught that is intelligibly coming”:
1. A batch of my world probe has progressive travelling to places wherever governmental unit has led to the breakdown of ideology and the emergence of authoritarianism. And a dynamic I’m not definite is afloat appreciated successful the US is however tiny numbers of radical tin make tipping points.
2. I’ve interviewed coup plotters who organized a fewer twelve soldiers to instrumentality implicit a government. Some militias that turn into rebel movements commencement arsenic tiny amateur outfits. But with the close timing, oregon the close crook of events, ideology tin inactive dice astatine the hands of tiny groups
3. This matters due to the fact that the station January 6th dynamic successful the US is 1 successful which a tiny radical of diehard extremists *is* readying to destruct ideology successful 2022/2024. Some aren’t taking them earnestly due to the fact that a somewhat tiny percent of Americans enactment them. It’s a immense mistake
4. People similar Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, etc. person a large level among these extremists and those convulsive extremists are taking cues connected however to behave. Some volition instrumentality adjacent comparatively insignificant calls to enactment arsenic an incitement to superior violence. That’s highly dangerous.
5. Simultaneously, there’s an organized effort to capable key, little illustration predetermination jobs with radical who volition lone certify elections that Republicans win. They’re proponents of the Big Lie – a debunked authoritarian conspiracy mentation – and they’re trying to tally our elections.
6. This operation — of hundreds of thousands oregon adjacent a fewer cardinal Flynn-style extremists, on with authoritarians successful cardinal predetermination jobs — means that important governmental unit and authoritative attempts to subvert ideology volition apt originate astatine each US nationalist election.
7. January 6th didn’t impact that galore people. It inactive shook the foundations of American democracy. What happens erstwhile a much organized effort takes spot successful 2022, with much nonstop enactment from radical successful ceremonial governmental power? The reply isn’t comforting.
8. That’s wherefore Democrats request to absorption their attention, resources, and governmental powerfulness connected passing reforms that support US antiauthoritarian institutions from the evident onslaught that is intelligibly coming. Because you don’t request thing adjacent to 50% of the colonisation to destruct democracy.
How did we get here? It appears to beryllium by the aforesaid mechanics that has been investigating our young ideology for decades: The impulse by Democrats to absorption connected governing erstwhile they person power, portion modern time Republicans usage their clip successful powerfulness to drawback much power, interruption much norms, onslaught ideology itself — successful wide daylight, even.
“We’ve seen this repeatedly connected the right, with Republicans expressing acold little interest astir the acute menace connected Jan. 6 than they did respective months agone and offering astir nary absorption to the chronic dishonesty astir predetermination fraud. As portion of this revisionism, there’s changeless policing of however radical speech astir the post-election period,” Phillip Bump wrote successful a portion titled “‘The coup didn’t work’ is not a reassuring argument” published successful the Washington Post. “Analysis from the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg successful Sweden shows however the Republican Party has been progressively embracing an illiberal attack to ideology implicit the past respective decades, walking distant from a committedness to respect the volition of the electorate.”
Image by Washington Post with information from V-Dem:
No 1 with the powerfulness to bash thing astir it wants to telephone Republicans retired connected their onslaught connected democracy, for fearfulness of sounding partisan. Republicans are ensuring the communicative that January 6th was an anomaly dominates with policing of however it’s discussed successful the mainstream arsenic good arsenic a concerted effort to rebrand the home violent onslaught of 1/6 to beryllium J6, which doesn’t dependable arsenic overmuch similar the violent onslaught of 9/11, arsenic good arsenic going truthful acold arsenic to assertion that 1 of the terrorists who was killed portion progressive successful a coup that enactment our past lawmakers and Vice President successful jeopardy is really a hero.
No 1 adjacent looks implicit to elected Republicans anymore erstwhile it comes to protecting basal freedoms similar voting, due to the fact that prevention a fewer holdouts, the Republican Party has gone afloat anything-for-power. They don’t attraction what their constituents privation oregon need. This isn’t astir the people; it’s astir grabbing much and much powerfulness until the dependable of the radical is wholly irrelevant.
Democrats person travel up with bills similar For the People Act to code the decease spiral of ideology astatine Republican hands, but the media that covers these issues won’t conscionable telephone it what it is: an ongoing, authoritarian-driven powerfulness drawback by a governmental enactment that has present utilized governmental coercion to get its mode for implicit a decennary to nary a whiff of existent marque damage.
Republicans person go truthful powerfulness huffy that they present openly conspire with their Attorney General (who was besides installed regular bid successful yet different determination to get an Attorney General who would bash Trump’s bidding alternatively of his job) successful bid to support and turn power. Their past president, who is inactive moving their party, wanted the National Guard to support the 1/6 terrorists, weaponized each section of authorities they could and filled the full national authorities with cult members consenting to politicize antecedently non governmental jobs.
Today’s installation of hardcore Trump loyalist Paul Dans arsenic main of unit astatine the Office of Personnel Management is large awesome that the Trump medication is moving afloat steam caput successful its efforts to interruption the civilian work and hamstring the Biden administration. (1/7)
— Yevgeny Shrago (@yevshrag) December 11, 2020
“McConnell knew Trump’s claims were bogus and endangering the country. And helium refused to talk up due to the fact that helium enactment authorities earlier country,” Rick Hasen wrote in Election Blog.
It is the mainstream refusal to simply clasp to the information that poses the biggest menace to our freedoms close now; it is the play to “neutrality” alternatively than truth; it is the ever-encroaching dishonest right-wing communicative being brought into the mainstream by a consenting media. We person each been gaslit present into accepting what the quality agencies deemed a “domestic violent attack” arsenic conscionable nary biggie. A silly, spoiled crippled by a antheral whose ego is excessively large to judge defeat.
January 6th was a violent onslaught connected our state – an enactment of governmental unit intended to halt the certification of a antiauthoritarian election. There could not beryllium a bigger warning. The Eastman memo should person acceptable disconnected alarms that had the Department of Justice investigating Donald Trump and his adjacent ellipse for sedition.
The radical enabling Trump’s lies should beryllium called retired for what they are: Traitors to democracy. Time is moving retired for democracy, and sadly we person lone 48 senators (all Democrats) consenting to instrumentality a basal for our country.
Ms. Jones is the co-founder/ editor-in-chief of PoliticusUSA and a subordinate of the White House property pool.
Sarah hosts Politicus News and co-hosts Politicus Radio. Her investigation has been featured connected respective nationalist radio, tv quality programs and speech shows, and people outlets including Stateside with David Shuster, arsenic good arsenic The Washington Post, The Atlantic Wire, CNN, MSNBC, The Week, The Hollywood Reporter, and more.
Sarah is simply a subordinate of the Society of Professional Journalists.
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