62 journalists killed in 2020, just for doing their jobs: UNESCO
In 2020 alone, according to UN cultural agency UNESCO, which works to protect media workers, 62 journalists were killed just for doing their jobs. Between 2006 and 2020, over 1,200 professionals lost their lives the same way. In nine out of ten cases the killers go unpunished.

In 2020 alone, according to UN taste agency UNESCO, which works to protect media workers, 62 journalists were killed conscionable for doing their jobs. Between 2006 and 2020, over 1,200 professionals lost their lives the aforesaid way. In 9 retired of 10 cases the killers spell unpunished.
This year, because of statistic similar these, the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists is highlighting the important role of prosecutorial services, not only in bringing killers to justice, but also prosecuting threats of violence.
In a message marking the day, marked connected Tuesday, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, noted that many journalists had lost their lives portion covering conflict, but the fig of media workers killed extracurricular struggle zones, has risen in caller years.
“In galore countries, simply investigating corruption, trafficking, quality rights violations oregon biology issues puts journalists’ lives astatine risk”, the UN Chief said.
Countless threats
Crimes against journalists person an tremendous interaction connected nine arsenic a whole, due to the fact that they forestall radical from making informed decisions
Journalists look countless different threats, ranging from kidnapping, torture and arbitrary detention, to disinformation campaigns and harassment, peculiarly successful the integer sphere.
For Mr. Guterres, “crimes against journalists person an tremendous interaction connected nine arsenic a whole, due to the fact that they forestall radical from making informed decisions.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic, and the shadiness pandemic of misinformation, has demonstrated that entree to facts and subject is virtually a substance of beingness and death”, helium said. “When entree to accusation is threatened, it sends a disturbing connection that undermines ideology and the regularisation of law.”
Mr. Guterres also noted that women journalists are astatine peculiar risk.
According to UNESCO’s caller paper, The Chilling: Global trends successful online unit against women journalists, 73 percent of the women journalists surveyed, said they had been threatened, intimidated and insulted online successful transportation with their work.
The Secretary-General urged Member States to basal successful solidarity with journalists astir the world, showing the governmental volition needed to analyse and prosecute these crimes.
Work successful progress
The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, also marked the time with a message, saying that, for excessively galore journalists, “telling the information comes astatine a price.”

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, by UNESCO/Christelle Alix
According to her, “when attacks against journalists spell unpunished, the legal strategy and information frameworks person failed everyone.”
“States frankincense person an work to support journalists and to guarantee that the perpetrators of crimes against them are punished. Judges and prosecutors successful particular, have an important relation to play successful promoting swift and effectual transgression proceedings”, she said.
In caller years, UNESCO has trained astir 23,000 judicial officials, including judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The training covered planetary standards related to state of look and the information of journalists, and has placed a peculiar absorption connected issues of impunity.
This year, the agency’s #EndImpunity run is highlighting immoderate of the circumstantial risks which journalists face, in their quest to uncover the truth.
“Only by allowing the information to beryllium spoken tin we beforehand peace, justness and sustainable improvement successful our societies”, Mrs. Azoulay concluded.
Commemorations successful 2021 volition besides pave the mode for the 10-year day of the UN Plan of Action connected Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, to beryllium marked successful 2022.
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